Училищни събития
Interest activities
September 16, 2020
The procedure for inclusion in activities of interest has started. Students can choose between:
Albena Popova club "Young guides in Samokov"
Olya Georgieva Digital Virtues Club
Sonya Kitanova - Computer Networks Club
Krassimir Dimitrov - club "Club for debates through technology"
Krassimir Dimitrov - club "Stage"
Eliyana Kicheva - club "How to do research on the Internet"
Dimitrinka Yaneva - club "Sports in Samokov"
Elena Serdareva - Wine Tourism Club
Elena Serdareva - Culinary Tourism Club
Veneta Balevska - club "Russian holidays"

Working meeting
September 24, 2020
In the framework of dual training and in connection with the new specialty "Operator in the production of sugar and confectionery" a working meeting was held between PGT and Sea Commercial.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues related to the curriculum and the provision of staff for the training in the 5-year period.

Opening of the school year
September 15, 2020
The school year 2020/2021 was opened with a solemn ceremony in the school yard. Although the ceremony was addressed to eighth graders, the yard was crowded with students and parents.
PGT joined the project "Support for the dual training system"
September 3, 2020
The project is aimed at professions and specialties with a deficit in the labor market. PGT enters with the professions "Restaurant" and "Operator in the production of sugar and sugar products".

Presentation of diplomas after the September session of DZI
September 2, 2020
The diplomas of the students who successfully passed the state matriculation exams were solemnly presented. The excellent students and activists were awarded.
8 students successfully passed the qualification exams and received certificates of professional qualification.