Проект BG05M2OP001-5.001-0001
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Project BG05M2OP001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities developing specific knowledge, skills and competencies (Your class)" - phase 1 and phase 2, funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Intelligent growth ”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds
1 . APPLICATION and declaration of informed consent / Annex №2 /
2. QUESTIONNAIRE for students who want to participate in interest activities in the project "your class"
3. INSTRUCTIONS for implementation of the activities under project BG05M2OP001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies (YOUR TIME) - phase I."
4. Unified manual of the beneficiary for application of the rules for information and communication 2014-2020.
5. Guidelines for the application of the principle of environmental sustainability in the context of the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth"
6. Costs of purchasing materials, PDF
Exemplary nomenclature by item of material costs.
7. Form for creation of documents under project BG05M2OP001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies (YOUR TIME) - phase I."
8. Logo of OP "Science and Education for Smart Growth", with text on the right.
Logo of OP "Science and Education for Smart Growth", with text in the middle.
9. Report of an event, Organization of an event - when organizing representative performances of the groups, according to the thematic schedules.
10. Order RD09-1072 / 10.08.2016. Order for participation of the state and municipal schools in the technical and financial implementation of the Project "Your Hour".
11. Appendix to Order № RD09-1072 / 10.08.2016
State and municipal schools in the Republic of Bulgaria participating in the project BG05М20Р001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increasing their motivation to learn through activities developing specific knowledge, skills and competencies (Your lesson) - phase 1" under the Operational Program "Science and education for smart growth" 2014 - 2020.
I. Groups for learning difficulties-samples
II. Sample interest groups
The school is working on the project "Your lesson" It is in connection with Project BG05M20P001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies (Your lesson)" - phase 1, funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth", co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds. Here we will inform you about the various club activities.
A group of 11th grade students, participants in the Your Hour Project, presented their culinary temptations. It is in connection with Project BG05M20P001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities developing specific knowledge, skills and competencies (Your lesson)" - phase 1, funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education" for smart growth ', co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds.
The club "Reproductive Health and Healthy Lifestyle" had a representative performance on the topic: "Traditional Christmas dishes" - in connection with the upcoming Christmas.Participants prepared and presented traditional local dishes from the region of Samokov - typical for the Christmas Eve table. A discussion was held about their preparation and their symbolism, and all those present had the opportunity to taste the exhibits offered to them and to tell how their families celebrate the holiday.
Under the same project, the Group for "Activity for overcoming learning difficulties in history and civilization - holidays and customs" discussed the topic "Why is Christmas a holiday?". For this purpose, the students have prepared in advance a thorough overview of the holiday and the ways of celebrating it around the world. Why is it important to celebrate Christmas? - this issue was also discussed. At the celebration itself, the 12th grade students presented a historical overview of the celebration and introduced the audience to the story of Jesus.
On February 16, 2017, an intra-club competition for the best electronic product "Presentation of a technological scheme of a dish" was held among the participants in a club of interests "Culinary production technology - the basis of professional knowledge" under the project "Your lesson". The competition was attended by students from XI-b class at PGT - Samokov. They, together with the head of the club Mr. Kovachev were a competent jury. Danail Metodiev from XI-b class presented himself with the best development, who also received a book award "Samokov cuisine". With this competition the participants in the club showed to what extent they have mastered the development of technological schemes, their preparation as a presentation and entering the essence of the subject "Technology of culinary products".
This competition was held as a public event of the club under the OP "Science and Education for Smart Growth", project BG05M2OP001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies (YOUR HOUR) ”, which is funded by the EU.
Activity for overcoming learning difficulties math "The Clash of Mathematicians", or "The Clash of The Mathematicians" on 22.04.2017 held a public event on the topic - Mathematics Tournament in English. The goal was to hold a math competition, entirely organized by students participating in the club. 175 students from schools in the country took part in the competition. The age limit was from 1st to 8th grade, and they were divided into 36 teams.
The participants competed in two rounds - the first included 10 tasks that had to be solved within 1 hour, and in the second one task was required to be solved in time. The conditions of the tasks were in English and were created by the participants in the club.
The guests of the event were the mayor of the municipality V. Georgiev, senior expert in vocational training V. Yordanova from RWU Sofia - region and chief expert OMDS J. Kostova, teachers and parents. The event was covered by the local media / Rila channel, Priyatel newspaper, 365 newspaper, Vyara newspaper, samokovinfo.com, facebook.com/.
neznam2 Activity of interest "Learn English and love nature" held a public event on 21.04 with the help of students from 9th and 10th grade. The students planned and organized a project for Earth Day, preparing themselves to show the guests who were invited, namely teachers, students and parents how to use used / unnecessary paper for decoration, origami and paper flowers. The aim was for students and their parents to learn how to turn unnecessary things into something beautiful and nature-friendly, and at the same time to enrich their knowledge of English in an easy and fun way for them. Guests of the event were representatives of the council "Your Hour". Information about the event was published on the school's website.
Activity for overcoming learning difficulties "Tasks" held a public event on 10.04.2017 at 15:00 in the computer room of the school building №1 held its public event. During the event, an interactive lesson created by the participants in the activity - students from 9th grade on the topic "Similar triangles" was presented. The aim was to present the results of the students' work and to demonstrate to those present at the event how the material in mathematics can be presented in an easier to learn and attractive way. Before the presentation of the lesson, participants from the activity acquainted those present in the hall with the technical and software tools used for the preparation of the lesson. In this way, they showed the acquired new computer knowledge and skills. After the presentation of the lesson, a short test was conducted with the audience containing questions from the material in the lesson in order to strengthen the idea that the material presented in this way is easy to learn. Guests of the event were classmates and teachers from the Vocational School of Tourism and members of the public. Information about the event was published on the school's website.
Activity for overcoming learning difficulties "Mathematics Club" held a public event on 20.04.2017 on the topic - students present algorithms for solving problems in mathematics. The aim of the club is for students to be able to discover and create different algorithms for solving problems and to apply them. levels. Guests of the event were members of the public, citizens, parents, a member of the council "Your Hour". Information about the event was published on the school's website.
Activity for overcoming learning difficulties "Preparation of 12th grade students for the second matura in biology and health education" held a public event on 13.04.2017. Joint work with 11th grade students topic: "Dangerous effects of anabolic drugs on human metabolism . "
Objectives: To make the 11th grade students aware of the risks and harms of using anabolic drugs on their health. The information obtained should be shared with other peers in order to limit the use of these preparations and practice healthy fitness.
Host of the event: Kamelia Ivanova from 12th grade. Guests of the event were members of the public. Information about the event was published on the school's website.
On 05.04.2017 the interest group "Football for Girls" held a demonstration match between the formed women's football team of PGT Samokov and the combined women's team of the town of Samokov. The event was attended by community members who supported the players. In the end, the national team of the town of Samokov won 5-4, but in the spirit of fair play, the players greeted each other after the last referee signal.
The event came true one of the big goals for the PGT team - a meeting with a better opponent. The venue made the girls step out of their comfort zone and play on the city playground. The members of the community present expressed support for their favorite players, which gave them confidence that they can present themselves and their culture successfully to an audience. The event coincided with a visit of the Korean national wrestling team to the town of Samokov, which allowed the participants to touch another culture and traditions.
TCP - the basis of professional knowledge
On 31.05.2017 was held the final public event of the interest club "Technology of culinary products - the basis of professional knowledge" under the project "Your Hour". The meeting was also attended by students studying in the profession of restaurateur at PGT - Samokov. At the event, led by the head of the club eng. Nikolay Kovachev, a brief analysis of the activities of the club was made. Borislava Hadjiyska - Director of PG Tourism - Samokov, greeted the participants in the club, wished them to use the acquired knowledge and skills and handed each certificate of completion of training in the club.
This public event of the club was held under the OP "Science and Education for Smart Growth", project BG05M2OP001-2.004-0004 "Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies (YOUR HOUR) ”, which is funded by the EU.
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