BG05M2OP001-2.014-0001 "Support for the dual training system"

Trainings for raising the qualification and competencies of the teachers and the lecturers in professional training
for submission of a bid for execution of a public procurement for carrying out trainings for execution of Sub-activity 1.1. Trainings for raising the qualification and competencies of teachers and lecturers in professional training, including theoretical and practical training
under Project BG05M2OP001-2.014-0001 "Support for the dual system of education", funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds
Pursuant to Art. 20, para. 4, item 2 of the Public Procurement Act (PPA), we send you an invitation to submit an offer for training with subject: PN "Hotel, restaurant and catering".
The training should include topics related to specific problems of pedagogical, didactic and methodological work with teachers and mentors.
New techniques and technologies - 1 training
New teaching methods -1 training
The order has the following parameters:
1. Training of a group of 5 pcs. vocational teachers / methodological teachers
2. Place of training: Samokov
3. Training time: 24 academic hours (3 days), of which at least 8 hours for practical training in the partner company.
4. The training activity - providing lecturer / s (including remuneration, daily, travel and accommodation of the lecturer) is a commitment of the Contractor.
5. Of the necessary for the implementation of the training, including costs of providing online training through a platform, the Contractor has a commitment to provide the following:
Providing online training through a platform
Google Classroom
6. When preparing your offer, please comply with the Terms of Reference for Sub-Activity 1.1. "Training for raising the qualification and competencies of teachers and trainers in vocational training, including theoretical and practical training" under Project BG05M2OP001-2.014-0001 "Support for the dual system of education", funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" “2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds, which we attach to the invitation.
7. As a result of the training, each teacher must acquire competence to use new equipment and technologies in the relevant professional fields for the school in order to adapt school training to the needs of the industry of qualified personnel in professions key to the country's economy.
8. The participants with acquired competence as a result of the training shall be issued certificates for conducted training of the teacher / teacher methodology for raising the qualification and competencies (according to a sample).
Attachments to the invitation:
1. Draft contract.
2. Terms of reference.
Director of PG for Tourism - Samokov
Borislava Hadjiyska
For implementation of Sub-Activity 1.1. "Training for raising the qualification and competencies of teachers and trainers in vocational training, including theoretical and practical training" under Project BG05M2OP001-2.014-0001 "Support for the dual system of education", funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Intelligent growth ”2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds.
Subject of award:
Trainings for raising the qualification and competencies of teachers and lecturers in professional training, including theoretical and practical training
- In connection with the dynamic development of equipment and technologies, to ensure quality vocational education and training, training of teachers in vocational training is provided related to the acquisition of knowledge in new techniques and technologies in the relevant professional fields for the school in order to adapt school education. to the needs of the industry for qualified personnel in professions key to the country's economy. The trainings should include theoretical training on the innovations in the production and practical training in the partner companies in order to apply the theoretical knowledge at the workplaces of a specific employer, related to the used equipment and technologies.
- In order to strengthen the relationship between the school and the employer in the dual system of education and the new role of teachers in this process, training of methodological teachers is envisaged, who implement the relationship between the employer, mentor and educational institution, supporting the methodological work of vocational training teachers and mentors. For the teachers-methodologists training is provided on the competencies necessary for the teachers on professional training, as well as on specific problems of the pedagogical, didactic and methodical work with teachers and mentors.
As a result of the training, each teacher must acquire the competence to include in the training in his / her subject activities with the students, which will develop their professional competencies in the context of the studied curriculum in the respective subject.
After the completion of the training, a certificate for conducted training is issued to the teacher / teacher of methods for raising the qualification and competencies (according to a sample).
Eligible target group in the implementation of Sub-Action 1.1 .:
Pedagogical specialists from the respective institution from the VET system, participating in the project - teachers of professional training and teachers - methodologists.
The trainings must be organized in groups of 5 people, in accordance with the specifics of the training.
III. Manner of forming the value of the trainings:
The value of the training and the accompanying logistics is determined by the offer of the CONTRACTOR, and in assessing whether to accept the proposed prices of training, the following circumstances are taken into account:
Project BG05M2OP001-2.014-0001 "Support for the dual training system" finances the costs based on the total number of trainees at the unit cost determined per trainee.
The unit cost is defined as follows:
Training: single cost for 1 trainee - up to BGN 154, including: training materials, lecturer's remuneration for 24 academic hours;
IV. Form of conducting the trainings:
The training will last for 24 academic hours (3 days), of which at least 8 academic hours will be for practical training in the partner companies. The trainings will be held in groups of 3 teachers.
V. Performance requirements:
Manner of conducting the trainings:
1.1. The trainings are conducted in groups with a maximum number of up to 8 people, in order to achieve maximum efficiency. The number of groups must be in accordance with the program for conducting the training and the division into groups for practical training. The form of training, the method of conducting the training and the schedule, as well as subsequent changes in them, are approved by the ASSIGNOR. Working in groups involves presenting good pedagogical practices that become accessible to all participants. Training topics and schedule are determined by the ASSIGNOR.
1.2. Necessary changes in the number of students in a group and their distribution are made in coordination with the ASSIGNOR.
1.3. When the training requires the trainees to be provided with training materials, the CONTRACTOR must provide a set of them on paper or access to them in electronic form.
1.4. The activity will be carried out on an ongoing basis, according to the type and duration of the course, if possible on non-school days and / or on weekends.
Obligations of training service providers:
2.1. Providing lecturers / teachers;
2.2. Providing training materials and / or access to them in electronic form for all participants involved in the trainings.
2.3. Execution of all activities specified in the invitation to submit a bid sent by the ASSIGNOR.
2.4. Providing evidence for the technical implementation of the activity, according to the requirements of the ASSIGNOR.
VI. Term for performing the service:
The CONTRACTOR conducts the training in a period specified by the ASSIGNOR, which can be changed by mutual consent, when necessary for objective reasons.
VII. Documents for proving the implementation of the activities:
Regardless of whether the ASSIGNOR has decided to assign the logistics activities to the training organization or directly to the final contractor (transport company, hotel, food supplier, etc.), the project documentation must contain the following documents proving the implementation of the activities and justifying the performed costs:
1. Curriculum and schedule of trainings - presented by the CONTRACTOR of the training.
2. List of participants for each day of training, which contains № the training contract, name of the Beneficiary, name of the project, № and name of the activity, place and date, three names of the participants, e-mail, telephone and signatures of the participants - is presented by the CONTRACTOR of the training.
3. Presentations, materials, lectures, reports and the like - are presented by the CONTRACTOR of the training.
4. Certificates of the pedagogical specialists, who have successfully completed training - copies of the issued for a training created by the Assignor, certificates for conducted training of the teacher / teacher methodology for raising the qualification and competencies are presented by the CONTRACTOR of the training.
5. Photo material from the conducted training - presented by the CONTRACTOR of the training.
6. Supporting documents for the incurred transport costs or for reimbursed travel expenses - their collection and presentation to the ASSIGNOR is a commitment of the person or organization to which the activity is assigned.
7. Invoices from the contractor of the training contract - presented by the CONTRACTOR of the training.
8. Invoices from the contractors of logistics activities, in case the ASSIGNOR has assigned the activity directly to them (transport companies, hotels, food suppliers, hall owners, etc.) - shall be submitted by the contractors.
9. Payment orders and bank statements, from which the payment is evident - are created by the ASSIGNOR.
10. Document from a hotel for the realized nights - presented by the CONTRACTOR of the activity.
Trainings for raising the qualification and competencies of the teachers and the lecturers in professional training
The implementation of the Activity "Trainings for raising the qualification and competencies of teachers and lecturers in professional training, including theoretical and practical training" will be carried out under the following conditions:
List of topics for the planned trainings:
- New techniques and technologies - 3 trainings;
- New teaching methods - 1 training;
- New assessment methods - 1 training;
- Training for development of educational documentation - 1 training.
For inclusion in the trainings, the vocational training teachers and the methodological teachers submit an Application - Appendix №1A , to the director for participation in a given training. The trainings give priority to the teachers teaching in the classes with dual form of education.
The trainings for the period of project implementation will be assigned and training contracts will be concluded under the Public Procurement Act (PPA), in compliance with the requirements of Art. 20 of the Public Procurement Act and according to the value of the planned activities of the same type. Each teacher of vocational training / teacher-methodologist for the period of project implementation should pass at least 2 trainings per school year. The trainings do not duplicate the same content of the training.
The duration of the trainings is within 3 days for 24 academic hours, of which at least 8 academic hours are for practical training in the partner company.
The trainings are conducted in groups of up to 8 teachers (average 5).
Every successfully trained teacher / teacher of professional training and teacher of methodology should receive a Certificate for completed training of the teacher / teacher-methodologist for raising the qualification and competencies - Appendix № 4
At the start of the training, a study schedule is prepared, according to which theoretical and practical parts are conducted, and the practical part does not have to be conducted immediately after the theoretical part.
For methodological teachers, in addition to the above topics, there are also topics related to specific problems of pedagogical, didactic and methodological work with teachers and mentors.
Activity 4 Activities in support of employers
Training of mentors in pedagogical and methodological skills and providing mentors for conducting the dual system of training in enterprises.
To ensure the dual training, 4 mentors from the project partner companies were trained.
The training was certified.
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Project activities
Activity 1 Activities in support of schools providing a dual system of education
1.1. Training to increase the qualification and competencies of teachers and lecturers in vocational training, including theoretical and practical training;
1.2. Purchase of equipment and materials for the purposes of dual training, incl. of work and protective clothing and personal protective equipment;
1.3. Development / purchase of teaching aids and materials for specific professional training and key competencies at school level.
Activity 2 Activities in support of the education system
Activities include curriculum development, curricula, national examination programs for a dual training system, preparation of tools for workplace assessment.
Activity 3 Activities in support of students participating in a dual education system:
3.1. Providing support for students from the first high school stage in a dual system of education, through participation in a "trial internship" in a partner company - "Si Commercial 7" EOOD, "Samokov - Borovets" AD and "Diamond Velchevi" EOOD;
3.2. Conducting additional classes in a foreign language - English and vocational training for students studying in the 10th grade at the first high school stage.
Activity 4 Activities in support of employers:
4.1. Training of 4 mentors in pedagogical and methodological skills;
4.2. Providing mentors for conducting the dual system of training in enterprises;
4.3. Information campaigns for informing about the regulatory requirements for enterprises when participating in the dual system of training among representatives of enterprises.
Activity 5 Activities in support of parents
The activities include working with stakeholders to improve the relationship "student - school - parent - employer" and promote the dual system of education - 15 parents participated in the information campaign of the project, held in Bansko in July 2021.
Activities in support of parents
Information campaign among parents, Bansko, 2021

Vocational High School of Tourism is working on the project "Podkerpa for the dual system of education", funded by the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Social Fund through the European Structural and Investment Funds.
The duration of the project is 36 months, as of February 3, 2020.
The main goal of the project is to expand the scope of the dual training system, in order to increase the quality of vocational education in Bulgaria and strengthen its connection with the needs of the labor market. The activities are aimed at improving the competencies of teachers and lecturers in vocational training, and the acquisition of pedagogical and methodological skills by mentors - representatives of employers.
The specific objectives of the project are:
1. Increasing the number of students in vocational high schools and schools with vocational training classes, and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market;
2. Increasing the share of graduates of vocational education who have started work related to their education in the first year after graduation;
3. Improving the relationship "student - school - parent - employer" and promoting the dual system of education.
The target groups of the project are:
1. Students from the profession "Restaurant", specialty "Catering" and profession "Operator in the food industry", specialty "Production of sugar and sugar products" in a dual system of education.
2. Teachers of vocational training in the school and teachers of methodology;
3. Mentors - representatives of the partner companies;
4. Parents.
Documents for student:
1. Statement from a student for inclusion in the project